Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Out with the Old, In with the New

Once again I am eating late at night, but just one waffle this time. I am so tired, but couldn't go to sleep due to hunger. I have to be up in 3 hours so this post will be short.

2006 was a very challenging year for me, I went through more trials than I care to count. The key word is THROUGH. I AM still standing and I am elated that the new year is finally upon me. I had a revelation 2 weeks ago in the form of a dream. In short, the message was: Bury your past. You can think you have the best of the best and are on top and out of nowhere those things can be taken away from you. We usually look at this as a downfall, but this dream was confirmation that everything that glitters ain't gold and God was preparing me for bigger and better things. In the end of the dream God blessed me and my family tremendously and the only way I got to the blessing was by being obedient and not looking back.

I am loving every minute of life and am thankful for all that I have experienced. It has helped me become the person I am today. 2007 will be a year of achievement, spiritual growth, and prosperity for me. Mark my words.


SimplEnigma said...

I'm always happy when I see people who've been through a rough year who can still view their situation with positive feelings and still spread those positive vibes to others.

You're right, there's no use living in the've got to accept what you cannot change and move on.

I hope '07 is a better year for you - but then again, you're alive and healthy so it already is.

(P.S. Nurturing the body is just as important as nurturing the spirit so make sure you eat properly. If you anticipate getting home late - which increases your chances of eating junk food - prepare a healthy meal and leave it in the fridge so that when you get home all you have to do is eat it. A waffle will just sit in your stomach all night while you sleep.)

Enchantress said...

"P.S. Nurturing the body is just as important as nurturing the spirit so make sure you eat properly. If you anticipate getting home late - which increases your chances of eating junk food - prepare a healthy meal and leave it in the fridge so that when you get home all you have to do is eat it. A waffle will just sit in your stomach all night while you sleep."

I eat late (mostly sweets) because it's a bad habit. Freshman year in college I would leave a snack by my bed and literally roll over at 3am and eat it. Now I have the urge to eat something sweet before bed and when I tried to stop a month or two ago I was itching bad. Withdrawl maybe??? I will definitely be trying harder though, thanks for the feedback.

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